The Hart To Heart Experience

Jennifer Karen Hart

About The Author

Jennifer Karen Hart was born in New York City and now lives in Toronto, Canada. She works for the City of Toronto by day and writes memoirs and music by night. Jennifer has had several articles published in local print and online publications, but this is the author’s first book. 

“A Mind Organized in Chaos” is a personal account of Jennifer Karen Hart’s experience and recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder, coupled with other anxiety disorders. It is a psychological memoir in which neurotic pain teeters on the edge of insanity.  

Through a collection of memoirs and poems, the author takes the reader on a provocative coming-of-age journey through her former identity crisis, unstable relationships, and self-destruction- all while battling a world of splitting paradox.  This text is laced with raw emotion, sarcasm, wit, and erotic undertones.  Jennifer provides a unique insight that burrows beyond the scope of an academic textbook on anxiety, painting a vivid first-hand picture into the chaos lurking behind the symptoms listed in the Diagnostic Statistic Manual of Psychology. Eventually, Jennifer learns to balance her emotion and logic.  

Published September 2023
Jennifer Karen Hart

Explore the profound honesty and raw emotion captured in Jennifer's book as she navigates the turbulent waters of Borderline Personality Disorder, sharing her triumphs and setbacks along the way.


  1. Infatu-Hated:   
  2. Caressing a Memory:   
  3. Panic Attacks:   


Inspiring read to recovery
The Author’s courageous and honest journey with Borderline Personality Disorder and many anxiety is raw, emotional and captivating until the end. Her recovery is very inspiring. I highly recommend this book.

France P​

Once you start reading this book you won't be able to put it down!
The Author really opens up about her past struggles. While taking you on her emotional rollercoaster of navigating and overcoming Borderline Personality Disorder. It's raw, it's vivid, it's a must read!! Nothing short of amazing!!

Jen G

Creative and Courageous
"A Mind Organized in Chaos" gives us a vivid look into the struggles of growing up with a variety of anxiety disorders. The telling of the story is creative, emotional, honest and courageous and Jennifer's journey to recovery is awe inspiring. I highly recommend this book - especially to those of us with loved ones who grapple with similar issues.


Is the word that comes to mind as soon as one begins to read A Mind Organized In Chaos,by Jennifer Karen Hart. The depth of her clear and sharp prose is very touching and the reader begs to comprehend how as a young girl, then as an adolescent and finally mature woman she dealt with the various manifestations of her serious emotional pain. Jennifer lays out all her difficulties with great accuracy, courageously writes about her fears, struggles and terrors, highs and lows. She guides the reader by the hand, so to speak, as she confronts her demons and concours them until they loose control over her. This leads to a positive change in her personality and behavior, albeit with professional help. Yes, she also discovers that she is not alone in suffering as she experiences her recovery. Others can benefit the same, by reading her story. Great book, great writer.

Anne C. Toder

It is a very well written and poignant memoir.

Dr. A. Dalfen

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